B_Global is a company that was born with the maturity of the vast know-how of its employees, incorporating in its DNA more than three decades of experience in international trade, regulation and supply chain in the pharmaceutical sector.
In January 2008, with NBC Medical, an ambitious international project in the health area began.
In 2022, with the accelerated changes that the world has undergone in the meantime, we feel that the time has come to go further, to have more and better solutions for our customers, suppliers, partners, employees and the community in general.
Decidimos que era o momento de nos tornarmos ainda mais globais pelo que, de forma consentânea com a nossa ambição, adotámos uma nova marca: B_GLOBAL HEALTH SUPPLY*. Para nós não foi apenas uma troca de nome. Foi o reforçar renovado da nossa promessa de valores intemporais da qualidade das nossas soluções, do know-how das nossas pessoas, da confiança e cooperação com os nossos clientes, fornecedores e parceiros.
* The brand B_Global Health Supply is a registered trademark owned by the company BGHS, SA
Further information can be found on our website. The link below will take you to a page containing a wealth of interesting and useful information.